Logo NEVERHACK - Entreprise de conseils, formations et produits de cybersécurité

The power of an agnostic SOC

A 360-degree view of your information system

Security Operational Center

Experts in multi-technology vulnerability detection.


Centralize security alerts from your entire infrastructure.

Enhance IT security with a vendor-agnostic solution that provides full visibility and coverage of potential compromises in your infrastructure.


Capitalise on a next-generation SIEM called \"Open XDR\".

The SOC allows you to enhance your current solutions by leveraging advanced features such as artificial intelligence and machine learning for analysis and correlation. Additionally, the next-generation SIEM includes network threat detection and response (NDR) capabilities as well as sandboxing features.


Trust certified teams.

Our highly certified teams are ready to support your crisis management unit, enabling a quick response to incidents.


Designing and building the core capabilities of your SOC engine

i. Threat detection and analysis,
ii. Monitoring your security and user behavior, third-party behavior,
iii. Vulnerability management,
iv. Orchestrating your priorities based on risk exposure or business sensitivity,
v. Incorporating threat intelligence into your 24/7 SOC,
vi. Integrating NEVERHACK's AI-powered tools to test your systems and red team your networks and Cloud services.


Establishing processes and procedures:

NEVERHACK Consulting Branch, document your standard operating procedures (SOP) for the detection, analysis, and response to cyber incidents. Document crisis management and business continuity plans.


Train your experts and managers in crisis management:

Use the Seela LMS platform for awareness, training, and creating blue team/red team exercises on our cyber range that can involve company cybersecurity experts and senior executives.


Measure your successes and drive continuous service improvement (CSI):

The consulting branch of NEVERHACK will help you develop your security cycle to enhance your defenses and address the evolving threat landscape.


Visibility of all data, regardless of the entry point.
Visibility of all data, regardless of the entry point.

Ensure 100% compliance with cloud services such as AWS and Azure IaaS, M365, and Gsuite. Additionally, cover AD directories, OKTA, log transmission, and deep packet inspection.


Implement intrusion detection, analyze behaviors, monitor network traffic, use secure test environments (sandboxes), and detect phishing attacks.


Perform an asset analysis, use a macro and micro vision for complete visibility, leverage next-generation SIEM, and conduct threat research.


Implement measures such as disabling AD users, rejecting traffic via next-generation firewalls, isolating clients during incidents, managing security incidents, and generating detailed reports.

Visibility across all your security devices.
Visibility across all your security devices.
Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)

Focuses on computers and servers, providing real-time visibility to quickly detect abnormal behaviors and attack indicators, thereby improving endpoint security.

Network Detection and Response (NDR)

Provides deep visibility into network traffic, identifying patterns of suspicious behavior, traffic anomalies, and lateral movements, thus helping to anticipate and counter threats in a proactive manner.

The Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB)

Ensure visibility of access to cloud services (AWS, Azure, M365, Gsuite), monitor cloud activities, detect transfer of sensitive data, and enforce specific security policies to maintain regulatory compliance.