
ADViSE - Antitumor Drugs and Vaccines from the Sea

Project co-financed by the European Union, the Italian State and Regione Campania, as part of the POR Campania ERDF 2014-2020 with a subsidy in the form of a grant.

The Antitumor Drugs and Vaccines from the SEa (ADViSE) Project, with the code 1706BP000000011, aims to provide a new perspective of innovation in drug discovery processes for the fight against oncological pathologies (LC, Mel, MMi) *, by activating a new modality of collaboration between the world of research and innovation, through: 1. The development of antitumoral vaccine models; 2. the identification of new chemotherapy molecules also provided with immuno-modulating activity of natural origin.

To achieve this goal, the aim is to create a regional experimentation hub for the early identification of tumors, the characterization of the resistance profile and the creation of alternative therapies for patients who do not respond to conventional therapies. With these premises, the purposes of the ADViSE Platform are:

Preclinical development of new chemotherapeutical agents with immunomodulating action, based on the principle of combining the two actions, using a platform for the selection and validation of oncological drug discovery, which already in the past, in a less systemic and evolved form, has proven its effectiveness in selecting chemotherapy candidates from natural marine products.

Completion of the preclinical phase and entry into the clinical Phase I of the molecular adjuvant SULFAVANT, a sulfolipid derivative inspired by natural molecules of marine microalgae, which is able to selectively and powerfully stimulate dendritic cells, main effectors of the innate immune system, and to promote a strong protective and prophylactic effect, with no apparent toxic effects, in an antitumor vaccine tested in human melanoma models.

Preclinical validation of antitumor vaccine prototypes consisting of recombinant antigens of LC, Mel and MMi, and new conception molecular adjuvants, which can offer the same efficacy in the immunological coverage and greater safety than those used in the past, but also those in progress of experimentation.

These activities involve an articulated partnership that relies on the multidisciplinary experience in the biotechnology field of 1 research center qualified in basic research activities (CNR-DSCTM) and applied for drug discovery in the oncology field and 2 companies operating in different market sectors (pharmaceutical, biomedical, bioinformatics and services for innovation) able to cover the various stages of development of pharmaceutical formulation, drugs for oncology and vaccines (Altergon Italia and Italbiotec Consortium), 1 research institution with recognized experience in marine biology and biotechnology (SZN), 1 company with big data management and analysis skills (Innovery) as well as various highly qualified external collaborations that will allow the use of the field experience of three oncology departments of as many hospital centers (San Giuseppe Moscati Hospital, CEBR – University of Genoa, MultiMedica Group) and the know-how of 3 innovative start-ups (BIOMVIS, BIOSEARCH and PHARMAEXCEED) operating in the field of biotechnology.


Start date: 22.11.2018

End date: 31.12.2020

Duration: 36 months

Extension: 6 months

CUP: B43D18000240007

Total amount of the project: € 16.320.680,00

Funded amount: € 12.004.158,00

Status of project: closed

For further information:

Commission: – Regione: – Por Campania FESR 2014-2020:

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NEVERHACK is a cybersecurity group offering a full range of consulting, training, quotation, and artificial intelligence products. The mission of NEVERHACK is to create a safer digital world by providing innovative and ethical solutions. NEVERHACK encourages companies to hold the keys to the success of their projects.

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