
TREE4NB - Training, Reorganizing, Evaluating, Enabling for Natural Birth

Project co-financed by the European Union, the Italian State and Regione Campania, as part of the POR Campania ERDF 2014-2020 with a subsidy in the form of a grant

The research and development project, with code 18016BP000000017, is aimed at optimizing the efficiency and effectiveness of health expense of public and private healthcare facilities in Regione Campania, through an innovative model of re-engineering of social and health processes, to be translated into an innovative ICT solution of Big Data Analytics for clinical decision support and governance and the strengthening of patient empowerment, through forecast assessments of risk assessment derived from a correlation process of information, coming from clinical and extra-clinical datasets and based on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence algorithms.

The project intervention area is circumscribed to the Birth Path, a Public Health area considered in Regione Campania as a highly critical healthcare area, due to a rate of performed Caesarean section (CS), which places itself among the top those registered worldwide.

On the basis of the data of the latest Birth Report in Campania, it is possible to estimate a cost of over 26 million euros/year due to the unsuitability of the birth path in Campania which could proportionally fall within/be part of the availability of the Healthcare Facilities, through an effective action of re-engineering of this sector.

At the moment ICT solutions, able to measure, monitor and control the risk of CS in Healthcare Facilities with a multi-dimensional level of analysis and able to impact, at the same time, on the governance of the structure, on clinical decisions and patient empowerment, are not available on the global market.

Indeed, the ICT TREE4NB solution achieves an absolute innovation in the area of the healthcare and childbirth care.


CUP B83D18000200007


FUNDED AMOUNT € 828.406,63

START 29.11.2018 – END 28.05.2020*

DURATION 18 months

EXTENSION: 11 months


* Extended to 30.04.2021

For further information:

Commission: – Regione: – Por Campania FESR 2014-2020:

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NEVERHACK is a cybersecurity group offering a full range of consulting, training, quotation, and artificial intelligence products. The mission of NEVERHACK is to create a safer digital world by providing innovative and ethical solutions. NEVERHACK encourages companies to hold the keys to the success of their projects.

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